Scuba diving blog

Come diving with us in 2013….

Here is a little taster of the Diamond Diving effect, and how we tend to make our clients happy.  Everthing from Discover Scuba Diving to a full programme of PADI Instructor Development courses…we look forwards to welcoming you on board soon.

Master Scuba Diver Trainer courses and Specialty Instructor ratings

We wanted to really take the time to explain as clearly as possible why it is so important to get qualified as a Specialty Instructor in the PADI system as soon as possible after having passed your Instructor Examination, and what exactly that entails.

Specialty Courses can really improve the bottom line of any dive school and increase hugely what you can offer to your clients.  Being able to teach Specialty Courses increases your employability as a diving instructor by a significant margin and will help any aspiring career professional progress much more quickly in the PADI system to the Master Scuba Diver Trainer rating, allowing you to then get qualified as an IDC Staff Instructor and so on.  It also means you will have a more varied life from day to day as an Instructor, teaching areas of diving that you specifically find interesting.

You can apply directly to PADI to become a Specialty Instructor once you have 25 certifications to your name as an Instructor.  However it is a wise and sensible investment to spend a bit more time with your Course Director (we do the course over three days) really getting into the nitty gritty of each Specialty that you’d like to teach, including:

– How best to teach all of the performance requirements
– A full familiarisation with all of the theory requirements of the course
– How to price, sell and market the course, key target audiences
– Applying your teaching skills learnt during the IDC to one performance requirement for each Specialty Rating

Diamond Diving charges a €750 list price for a three day MSDT course but from a financial point of view it is also worth bearing in mind that a direct application to PADI for one Specialty Instructor rating costs €73.80.  If you have been trained by a Course Director however that price is €33.  So the real price of this very valuable training reduces by €204 for five specialties straight away.

For more information about our Specialty Instructor Training courses and MSDT packages please call us on +33 (0) 615305223 or e-mail  


Formations Master Scuba Diver Trainer et de moniteur de spécialités.


Nous voulions vraiment prendre le temps de vous expliquer aussi clairement que possible l’importance de devenir moniteur de spécialités dans le système PADI aussitôt après avoir passé votre examen de moniteur et en quoi cela consiste.

Les formations de spécialités augmentent considérablement la diversité des produits proposés aux clients plongeurs par un centre de plongée, ce qui permet de garder ces derniers plus motivés et par la même occasion de diversifier votre métier en vous permettant d’enseigner dans des domaines divers et variés.

La capacité pour un moniteur de pouvoir enseigner ses spécialités est un critère très recherché par les gérants de centre de plongée.
Cette formation vous permettra d’approfondir vos connaissances, mais aussi elle est un pré requis pour pouvoir devenir par la suite IDC Staff.

Vous pouvez faire la demande directement à PADI pour devenir moniteur de spécialités une fois que vous avez certifié 25 plongeurs sous votre nom. Cependant nous pensons que c’est un investissement sage et raisonnable de le faire avec votre Course Director en 3 jours juste après votre examen de moniteur PADI, car vous étudierez en détail chaque spécialité que vous aurez choisie. Ce stage vous permettra :
-D’être familiarisé avec les performances requises qui sont demandées aux plongeurs dans chacune des spécialités ainsi qu’avec la théorie qui y est associée.
-D’être plus apte à savoir à qui vendre ces spécialités et les astuces pour les vendre mieux.
-De mettre en application vos connaissances d’enseignement apprises pendant l’IDC et d’être efficace afin que vos plongeurs atteignent rapidement un niveau de pratique qui leur permet de valider les performances requises dans chacune des spécialités.
Dès la fin du stage, vous serez armé pour enseigner les spécialités.

La formation MSDT (5 spécialités) avec Diamond Diving se déroule sur 3 jours et coûte 750€.Il est important de noter qu’une application directe à PADI coûte 73.8€ par spécialité alors que si avez été formé par un Couse Director cela vous en coûtera 33€ par spécialité (donc la formation reviens au final à 750€-204€= 546€).

Pour plus d’informations sur nos formations moniteur de spécialités et nos package MSDT merci de nous contacter au 06 15 30 52 23 ou par mail à

DiveMaster Internships

We have a number of vacancies this year for motivated individuals to gain real hands on experience of the dive industry and at the same time get trained up as DiveMaster by a small, experienced and hands on team.

Typically the time commitment necessary is two months and ideally you will already be qualified as a Rescue Diver and have your ICC Certificate of Competence/Permis de Bateau Cotier or RYA Powerboat Level 2.

Further to this we are running six Instructor Development Courses, starting late Feb, March, May, September, October and early December.

Places are available between mid May and mid October.  To be considered please send CV with photo and covering letter to



5* IDC Resort

Firstly we’d like to wish all of our clients an excellent remainder of the festive season.  We thank you all hugely for your business in 2012 and look forwards to delivering many more unforgettable underwater moments in 2013.

We are extremely happy to announce that we have recently been awarded 5*IDC Resort status from PADI.  This is excellent news and means we will be running six Instructor Development Courses throughout 2013 out of our new facility in Golfe Juan.

For more information about our GoPro offering please click on the GoPro button on the homepage.  We look forwards to seeing you all soon for more diving adventures.


5*IDC Resort and 2013 Instructor Development Programme dates

With the long term goal of buying our own premises recently achieved we are very pleased to announce our recent success in becoming a PADI 5*IDC Resort.

This is fantastic news and the new facilities will mean much more comfort for all of our clients, we will also have a small boutique/pro-shop selling Aqualing dive equipment plus a decent range of diving fashion wear and accessories.

It also means that we will be running a full programme of Instructor Development Courses in 2013, the dates of which are as follows.

Feb to March
March to April
May to June
Sept to Oct
Oct to Nov
IDC Prep
30 (Nov)/1
25/1 March
25 – 29
27 – 31
23 – 27
28 – 1
2 – 6
3 – 8
31 – 5
2- 7
29 – 4
3 – 8
12 – 14
9 – 11
11 – 13
8 – 10
12 – 14
17 – 19

For full information on our prices and how to sign up for one of the places on our Instructor Development Courses please send an e-mail to 


Scuba 2000, ex Adventure Diving & HydroActive

Today we welcome our second group of the « arriere saison ».  Great bunch of folks from Ireland, who we are strongly looking forwards to re/introducing to the great diving in the area.

Scuba 2000 from Uckfield, West Sussex visited us again in early September and we have a group from HydroActive, (Beds & Herts) coming down for the second time this year in October.

Loads of rainfall these last few days, which has not done the Viz any favours, but it will no doubt settle down soon. Surface temperature is still 22 degrees.

We will be diving until early November.  Including DrySuit specialty courses 😉




What constitutes good preparation for a PADI Instructor Development Course?

The PADI IDC is intensive, and rightly so.

You basically go from being a dive guide with a bit of teaching and assisting responsibility to an Instructor who has the right to go out there and start selling, organising and delivering their own courses.  All of this in a course that typically lasts ten days, sometimes less.

So how can you prepare optimally, to minimise stress and really get the best out of your Instructor Development Course?

Here are a few tips:

1.  Dive, dive, dive.  More time in the water, more comfortable you will be.

2.  Watch the PADI DM video and get all of the 20 skill demonstrations sorted (no pun intended) in your head, and practice them in the water if you have the opportunity.  This should be in the bag as a competence before you arrive at the IDC, if you have an IDC prep, it should be for fine honing the demos, not relearning the skills, for example.

3.  Get your theory down.  Revise, go through the Dive Theory online via PADI eLearning, get out the Diving Knowledge Workbook and work the problems.  Arrive at the IDC already with a list of what your weak points are on the theory.

4.  Familiarise yourself with the Instructor Manual and the Guide to Teaching.  The Instructor Manual is a very logical and well laid out document, and the art of getting a good score in standards exams is knowing how to find stuff QUICKLY.  Read it, highlight it, figure out what sorts of information you find where.  A little bit of time investment doing this is going to make your life a huge amount easier during the course itself.

5.  Revisit your Open Water, Adventures in Diving, Rescue Diver and DiveMaster manuals and try and understand how they are structured, why they are structured like that, and again, how to find relevant information quickly.

If you follow these five basic steps and invest a bit of time before you get to the IDC you’ll get alot more out of your IDC at lower stress levels and come out of the IE as a better prepared entry level PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor.

We hope to see you soon in the South of France for some excellent fun and the start of a path to living out your dreams.  Any questions please call Alex on 0033615305223 or e-mail      


PADI Instructor Development Course late 2012 schedule, Cote d’Azur

Live the dream, work sharing your passion with others, change your life, move to paradise, the world can indeed be your oyster!

Here at Diamond Diving we are organising three PADI Instructor Development Courses in the wonderful environment of the Cote d’Azur for the Autumn and Winter of 2012.  All of this in conjunction with our preferred 5*IDC partner centre.

The dates for the three IDC’s including two days preparation for candidates who wish to brush up on skills, exam standards and theory before attacking the IDC proper and the Instructor Examination itself are as follows:

15th to 30th September
20th October to 4th November
1st to 16th December

We will also be organising a three day Master Scuba Diver Trainer programme running you through the ins and outs of teaching, costing and marketing the following extremely popular and useful PADI Specialties:

Surface Marker Buoy Distinctive
Enriched Air (Nitrox)
Dry Suit
Fish Identification
Digital Underwater Photography
Aware Shark Conservation

The dates for the three MSDT programmes are 2-4 October, 6-8 November and 18-20 December.

For further details, prices and bookings please call Alex on +33 (0) 615305223 or e-mail

And for more information please see our dedicated GoPro website :